Kutulutsa kwa urethral catheterrization k
Kuyambitsira Kuyambitsa: Kangay wotayika wa Cahethration catheterization clal ali ndi zida za silicone, kuti itchulenso "siconane foley catheve". This kit is widely used in hospital clinical operations, patient care and many other aspects.It has the ch...Werengani zambiri -
Kutentha kwa kutentha ndi chinyezi
1. Tanthauzo la mphuno zokutira, lomwe limadziwika kuti kutentha ndi chinyezi preserve the heat and moisture i...Werengani zambiri -
Werengani zambiri
- Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. has always regarded safety and quality as the top priority of production. Posachedwa, Kangayun adakonza antchito onse kuti akwaniritse "zowongolera moto" zotsatizana, makamaka kuphatikiza chitetezo cha chitetezo cha chitetezo ndi ngozi ya chitetezo ...Werengani zambiri
Silicle Medical Silicone kusamba kwa chikho chamiyendo yapamwamba
WHAT IS THE MENSTRUAL CUP? Kapu yopanda kusamba ndi yaying'ono, yofewa, yotsimikizika yopangidwa kuchokera ku silika yomwe imasonkhanitsa kuchokera ku silika yomwe imasonkhanitsa, m'malo motenga, kusamba kwa msambo mutayikidwa mu nyini. It has many advantages: 1. Avoid menstrual discomfort: Use the menstrual cup during high menstrual blo...Werengani zambiri - Ntchito】 【Components】 3 Way Silicone Foley Catheter with Big Balloon is compos...Werengani zambiri
Werengani zambiri
- M'moyo watsiku ndi tsiku, titha kuvala masks azachipatala, monga kuti Kangayu amatayika pachipatala, tikuyenera kupita kuchipatala, tiyenera kuvala masks okhala ndi chitetezo chokwera.Werengani zambiri
- On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the start of construction is auspicious! Masiku ano, antchito onse a chida cha Haiyan Kangay Civict Couchment Co. On the day of the start of construction, Kangyuan thought...Werengani zambiri
Wodala Chaka Chatsopano cha China!
- [Kuyambitsa Zogulitsa] Sicone ya SICLE SALEY SALEY) While catheter...Werengani zambiri
- A Orpharyngeal arway, omwe amadziwikanso kuti Orpharyngeal Airway, ndi malo osakhala ophatikizika omwe sangalepheretse lilime lomwe lingalepheretse lilime loti lisagwe, ndipo khazikitsani msewu wakanthawi kochepa. [Application] Kangyuan oropharyngeal airway is suita...Werengani zambiri